Will you partner with us to make a difference…

Will you partner with us to make a difference…


Edmund Burke said, ““The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


That’s why I felt led to host the Culture Shapers Summit in Washington, DC last month where 350 leaders of leaders came together. Why did they come? Because we are all concerned about the direction our nation is taking. Our spiritual foundations are being eroded.


One of the leaders who spoke at our Summit was Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council. Tony and his organization, Family Research Council,  doing a great job in fighting for restoration of the family in our culture. We had Tony speak at our Summit. Keep reading to learn how you can hear his message from the Summit.


Tony shared a disturbing development taking place in our schools. I am including his letter below so you are aware of what is taking place right under our noses. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER AGAINST THIS EVIL.

“It looked like your typical kindergarten class. Dozens of children sat cross-legged on the floor, ready for the day’s read-aloud story.

Their teacher at Ashlawn Elementary School in Arlington, Va. had invited another adult in to read, but what the five-year-olds saw and heard was no ordinary children’s book.

‘I have a girl brain but a boy body,’ read Sarah McBride, an activist with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) to the wide-eyed youngsters. ‘This is called transgender. I was born this way.’

Faced with quizzical looks when the illustrated story ended, the progressive activist began to share personal details. ‘When I was born, the doctors and my parents all thought that I was a boy,’ said McBride. ‘Why?’ asked a kindergartner. The activist did not go into a human anatomy lesson, but rather spoke of society’s evils–with all the ‘resistance’ fervor of a Leftist political rally.

This scene took place in a suburban school only seven miles from our Washington, D.C. headquarters. As parents or grandparents, we’d all hope to hear this was an isolated incident. Yet on February 28, over 200 such read-aloud events were held in classrooms all across the U.S.”

America’s children are the future of our nation, and Marketplace Leaders and TGIF will not stand by as school administrators hand them over to Leftist activists espousing gender confusion!

You can help us by supporting TGIF’s work to mobilize leaders to fight this kind of propaganda designed to confuse our children and promote promiscuity. That’s why we held the recent Culture Shapers Summit.

For a donation of any size you will receive a link to watch Tony Perkin’s Culture Shaper’s message given at our Summit. It was a powerful message and challenge to us all. Please consider a gift of $25, $50 or $100 that would help us so much in our Spring giving.

If you are able to give a gift of $150 or more, we will send you a link to view all 23 sessions at the Culture Shapers Summit. The value of this is $998. That was the registration cost of our Summit.

You can watch these online sessions 24/7 at a convenient time for you. These include over 50 individual presentations!

Thanks so much for standing for Christ in our culture.


P.S. Give a gift of $25 or more and get access to the Tony Perkins message. Or give $150 or more and access all 50 presentations. Click here to donate.

For mail-in donations please send to Marketplace Leaders Ministries, PO Box 69, Cumming, GA 30041.  All donations postmarked by December 31 will be credited to 2017.

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Please note that tax-deductible amount of your contribution is the amount of your contribution minus the value of the premium received.

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