- September 6, 2017
Listening To The Father’s Heart
- by: Os Hillman
- September 12, 2025
Son, so many of my sons and daughters struggle to hear my voice. They work to hear when they need to simply rest in me. I speak Spirit to spirit, not mind to mind. Often you hear me when you’re not focused on hearing me. The reason is I speak to your spirit. If a thought appears in your mind you would not normally think, that is me. It is good for you to spend time in my word, but do not strive to hear me in our quiet times. I am always speaking, but you are not always tuned in to my frequency. Abide in me and my words will abide in you. I am with you son. My presence is always available to you. Do not strive to perform Christian disciplines; simply rest in my presence. My presence is always with you. Continue to meditate on my words to discern my Spirit operating in you.
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. -John 10:27
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. -John 15:7
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