- September 6, 2017
Listening To The Father’s Heart
- by: Os Hillman
- June 29, 2025
Son, I see self-righteousness and prideful judgment in the hearts of my sons and daughters. It seems that adultery has become the unpardonable sin among my people, and the one justification for unforgiveness to divorce their mate. I have never encouraged this. If they could see the depth of sin that I see in my sons and daughters they would never self-righteously condemn others, and such pride would vanish. They would never even think to judge another. This is not to condemn my kids, but to help them see the level of grace I have truly extended to all. Yes, another’s sin may feel like a deep betrayal, but know that I too feel this every single day. My bride plays the harlot, but I am faithful to her. A son or daughter does not need grace to love the lovely; anyone can do that. My kids need to get off their self-righteous pedestal and love as I love, sacrificially. See the way I see. People need grace to deliver them from their jail cells of pain and self-condemnation. Their behavior is a mere reflection of the deep wounds I have called you to help heal. Prisoners are never delivered by condemnation; they are only delivered through grace and forgiveness. Encourage my kids to stop being wardens and start being deliverers.
For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. Matthew 7:2