- September 15, 2022
When Fear Keeps Others From Their Destiny
- by: Os Hillman
- June 22, 2025
“No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. “– Acts 5:13
Every work day in thousands of offices across the globe, Christians testify of God’s grace in their lives in some way. Sometimes it comes through a subtle performance of their duties with a smile and peace that non-believers cannot understand. In other cases, there might be more visible, unexplainable examples of God’s work. This was the defining difference in believers in the early Church. They lived a life that followed with signs and wonders that could not be humanly explained.
The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade. No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number (Acts 5:12-14).
How often we have heard non-believers acknowledge their respect for the Christian workplace believer, but they dare not join them in their persuasion. It is this fear of the unknown that keeps many a non-believer on the path to hell. Who has God placed in your path today to help detour from a path of eternal torment to a path of freedom and eternal life? The Lord desires that each should come to knowledge of the truth so that they might be saved. As you enter the workplace today, ask the Lord for a divine appointment that might be the turning point for a lost soul. There’s no prayer the Lord will delight in more than this one.
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