We had such a great response we are extending our deadline for those who missed it


Over the many years of serving Christians in the workplace we have discovered the core issue they struggle with the most. “And what might that be?”, you ask.

Answer: Hearing God.

It seems this is an area that people have difficulty in believing that God will speak to them, and if they do believe it, they can’t recognize it as His voice.  This is an area every believer in the workplace needs to be able to do. I teach a workshop on this topic and it is often the most helpful workshop they ever attend that we do.

This month I completed an update to one of my most popular books. It’s called Making Godly Decisions: How to hear and do the will of God.


This 100-page paperback book helps you understand the ten ways God’s speaks to His children and how to recognize God’s voice in your own life. I guarantee this book will help you! This is an expanded version of our first edition with new insights and new stories you will appreciate and learn from.  

I’d like to give you a signed copy for any donation of $25 or more this week. Your donation will help us offset the cost of our reprint now in progress. All that we ask is that you give us until December 1 to deliver, as we are at the printer right at this moment.

You will be the first to receive this special, signed copy. Click here to make a donation. For each donation of $25, we will send you a signed copy. So, if you make a donation of $100, we will send you 4 signed copies, $200, we will send you 8 signed copies – great for gifts to workplace associates or family members. Click here to donate.

God bless you.

In His Grip, 


P.S. Delivery will be by December 1.

Offer Expires 11/16/ 2019

For mail-in donations please send to Marketplace Leaders Ministries, PO Box 69, Cumming, GA 30041. All donations postmarked by December 31 will be credited to 2019.

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Please note that tax-deductible amount of your contribution is the amount of your contribution minus the value of the premium received.