Listening to the Father’s Heart

Listening to the Father’s Heart

So many of my sons and daughters refuse to trust me for the impossible. They see their situation and conclude it will always be the way they see it now. I am glad you are acting differently. You have done well to stand on several of my promises. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14). Yes, I love that one. I love turning the impossible into the possible. Hey, how about that Red Sea crisis? Talk about impossible! Did you notice that I intentionally led my son Moses to a dead end? I do that sometimes, you know. I get more glory that way. There was no way out. He had a hard time explaining to his leaders the route I told him to take. But then, I called something that was not as though it was…and it was! Parting of the Red Sea? One of my greatest miracles, for sure. Don’t give up on the situation you see as hopeless. I am THE God of all hope, and faith is the currency for miracles.

The God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. Romans 4:17

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