Former Coke VP explains why TGIF is so important to his life

Thank you for taking some time to allow me to share the significant impact that TGIF has had upon my life.  The devotionals and resources from Os have helped to shape my view of my workplace as a mission opportunity.  Through my testimony of how TGIF has transformed my life, hopefully you and others will be encouraged to live out your faith at work.

I was first introduced to the TGIF devotionals by a friend who forwarded some to me.  I got so much out of them, that I signed up to receive them daily.  I have read TGIF now for over twenty years, and through them God really does speak to me each day! Through the devotionals, I have been educated, reminded, led, chastised, challenged, and encouraged.

As I realized more and more that my work at Coca-Cola was a mission field, I started to look for ways to minister to people God placed before me.  I was given opportunities to pray with people about work situations and family concerns.  My workplace had more purpose as co-workers were encouraged to draw near to God at Coca-Cola.  Daily, God put in my path people from all over the world, working or visiting Coca-Cola headquarters.

The impact of TGIF led me to help start the Coca-Cola Christian Fellowship, which grew to several hundred members.  We would meet for weekly Bible study.  Several times, Os came to speak to our Fellowship group about workplace ministry and our calling.  The TGIF devotionals were sent to Fellowship members; many of whom forwarded them on to their family and friends.

God has greatly used these powerful messages in the TGIF devotionals to influence my Christian walk.  I am so grateful to Os for his non-profit ministry, Marketplace Leaders.  Besides providing the TGIF devotionals, Marketplace Leaders has many good resources – great books, leadership tracks, and on-line courses.

As you know, the devotionals are free. But we all know it cost a great deal to send out millions of emails monthly to 104 countries. If you have been impacted by TGIF, I encourage you to pass them on to others.  Also, prayerfully consider spreading the Word to more workplace Christians by financially supporting this worthy ministry.  Making a financial donation to Marketplace Leaders is such a good investment in the Kingdom of God, to make and grow disciples. Come join the movement of God in reaching people at work by sharing and supporting TGIF.

Just click here to make a donation to help impact more lives through TGIF. Being a monthly donor is a great way to support their work on a consistent basis.

God bless you for standing with TGIF Today God Is First.


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For mail-in donations please send to Marketplace Leaders Ministries, PO Box 69, Cumming, GA 30041. All donations postmarked by December 31 will be credited to 2019.

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Please note that tax-deductible amount of your contribution is the amount of your contribution minus the value of the premium received.