- April 26, 2019
An exciting new opportunity for TGIF to impact millions. Let me explain…
TGIF has an exciting new opportunity to impact
millions by partnering with Pure Flix Entertainment!
Greetings Friend,
Pure Flix Entertainment is the largest producer of Christian movies in the world today. Films like God’s Not Dead, The Case for Christ, Samson, Woodlawn, Do You Believe?, and most recently, Unplanned are just some of the films they have released.
I have had the privilege to know the founders of Pure Flix and know their heart to impact the culture for Jesus Christ. Sadly, one of the founders, Russell Wolfe, who was a good friend of mine, lost his life a few years ago to ALS, a horrible disease.
This week I have been in discussions with Pure Flix about a new opportunity to expand the reach of TGIF. They have recognized the impact that TGIF has had over the years and would like to help us expand our ministry to more people through their large audience via social media. They have invited me to produce a daily video version of TGIF that will appear on their various social media platforms on the internet that has a reach of over 22 million people each month!
This is an exciting opportunity to impact millions of people with the encouragement of TGIF Today God Is First. However, in order to begin production of these daily video messages, we will need financial partners to help us offset the video production costs of these 365 messages. All of the devotional messages will be free of charge to the public.
If this is something you feel you could support, we are asking friends of TGIF to partner with us and make a donation or monthly donation to help us offset the production costs of this series of TGIF messages. Click here if you would like to make a gift toward this project or join our TGIF Inner Circle Partners by being a monthly giver which entitles you to a monthly gift from us. Monthly gifts help us spread our expenses over the year and allows us to know what to count on. Click here to donate.
Would you consider a single or monthly gift of $10, $25, $50 or $100 today? If so, please Click here.
Less than 5% of those who receive TGIF actually donate to our work. I recently had lunch with a TGIF subscriber from another state who asked to have lunch with me. He wanted to express his appreciation to me for TGIF and let me know how much it changed his life. He had been getting TGIF for years. I asked my staff member to look his name up to see if he had ever made a donation. He was not listed. He made a point to say how much God touches him through TGIF but has never made a donation.
Single donations are very much welcomed as well. Major gifts are especially helpful to allow us to impact millions of people through this new partnership with Pure Flix Entertainment immediately. We need some of our donors to make major gifts of $250, $500 or $1,000 to allow us to start production next week. Click here to donate.
Watch Sample Video Now:
Os Hillman
P.S. You can help us impact millions through our new partnership with Pure Flix. Please consider being a TGIF Inner Circle Partner by giving monthly Click here to donate.
For mail-in gifts please send to Marketplace Leaders, PO Box 69, Cumming, GA 30028. Marketplace Leaders Ministries is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. Your gifts are tax deductible.
We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Please note that tax-deductible amount of your contribution is the amount of your contribution minus the value of the premium received.