A great story that reveals why Giving Tuesday is so important.

Today is Giving Tuesday, a day to invest in those non-profits you feel are worthy of a financial investment.

We hope you will consider TGIF as a place to make a Kingdom investment. Let me share one story that illustrates the work we have been doing over the years. It will bless you.

I had to speak in Los Angeles a few years ago. The man who picked me up from the airport asked if he could take me to a Hollywood studio to meet the CEO of the oldest privately-owned Hollywood studio owned by a Christian. I said, “Sure. Love to meet him.”

I walked into the conference room and the man greeted me politely. He was a small man and slighted hunched over. He had a lot of miles on him and looked like he’d fought many a battle.

The conversation ultimately led to me speaking to him in a very firm way. “God has called you into this arena to be salt and light in an industry that desperately needs Christ. God has seen your faithfulness all these years and wants to affirm you today. You are called to affect the cultural mountain of Arts & Entertainment.”

Tears came down his eyes. He said, “You know, I have always felt like a black sheep. Christians condemned me for being in this industry. The Jewish-run film studios rejected me because of my Christian faith. I have felt I did not belong anywhere.”

We had a time of prayer. He decided to invite me to host my half-day Change Agent a workshop in one of his studios. What an awesome experience that was. He invited many of his Hollywood friends. It was an awesome meeting that impacted many leaders in the film industry.

Your prayer and financial partnership helps us touch leaders like this Hollywood Studio executive. Your consideration to make a gift today is much appreciated. God bless you.

In His Grip,
