God Doesn’t Play Favorites

God Doesn’t Play Favorites

“Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.'” -Acts 10:34 & 35

All throughout the history of the world, things have happened that are less than ideal. People have hurt people and there have been wars. Class warfare, discrimination, and racism have existed and still exist today. In the Kingdom of God however, God plays no favorites. He loves each of us the same, much more than we will ever know. (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Sometimes we may think that God’s blessing or approval is only reserved for “special people”; that it’s based on God’s criteria of random characteristics unbeknownst to us. But the fact is that each of us can choose to be one of God’s favored ones, as we chose Him to be the author of the book of our lives. My husband and I always tell each other, “You’re my favorite,” because we’ve chosen each other, and we want to continue to express it to one another.

From the beginning of the world, God gave us a gift. He gave us the gift of free will. Sometimes we use it to glorify Him. Other times, we use this gift of choice for selfish desires, and sometimes make bad choices. But, we can choose righteously. We can choose love over hate. We can choose freedom over bondage. And, we can choose how favored or close to God we want to be. The only thing separating us from God or bringing us closer to Him is our own will.

God instructs His followers to follow His example. He wants us to remain unconditional to those we encounter. There is no barrier between God and His love. Sometimes what exists between us and our sharing God’s love with others is the fears, attitudes, and preconceived ideas we have that were passed down to us from others, or from things that have happened in our own lives. But, in the book of James he makes it clear that followers of Christ should not show favoritism, to anyone. “My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.” -James 2:1

As we come to realize just a little revelation of God’s love for us, we realize how much we are loved and favored as His children. As a result, we chose Him and love Him too. Do you know you are God’s favored one today?

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